
Pecan has distinctive buttery texture and slightly sweet, but bitter taste, making it used mostly in desserts and salads. Together with macadamia nut, it is highest in fat content among all nuts and is particularly rich in copper and manganese. Monounsaturated fats together with phenolic antioxidants promote heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Like other nuts, pecan is packed with fiber and if consumed in moderation, promotes fullness and benefits weight management. Fiber content keeps digestive system healthy and prevents constipation. Pecan is rich in antioxidant ellagic acid that can protect from certain cancer forms. Magnesium levels provide anti-inflammatory benefits and lower blood pressure. Pecan can also slow down skin ageing, thanks to ellagic acid, vitamin A and E. Combination of different nutrients, mainly zinc, makes pecan great immunity booster. Among other nutrients, it also contains iron and significant amounts of flavonoids. Low sugar levels make it an excellent choice for diabetes prevention and management and slowing down blood sugar spikes.


Macadamia nut is native to Australia and has buttery, creamy texture. Like other nuts, it contains loads of healthy monounsaturated fats, making it beneficial for heart health and lowering cholesterol levels. It is rich in antioxidants fighting inflammation, especially flavonoids, as well as vitamin E. Palmitoleic acid or omega-7 fatty acid found in these nuts is good for skin and hair growth, heart health, prevents high blood pressure and diabetes and promotes fullness. Like other nuts, it aids weight management due to high protein and fiber and low carbohydrate content. Despite high fat content, some of the fats don’t get absorbed during digestion.

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