
Banana is athlete’s favorite healthy snack, due to good fiber and mineral content and natural sugars excellent for restoring energy levels. Starch from unripe bananas gradually turns into sugar as they get more yellow and mature. Banana is rich in pectin giving it its soft, spongy texture. Pectin can help regulate blood sugar levels after a meal and together with resistant starch reduces appetite. However, both pectin and resistant starch concentration drops as the banana ripens. Banana is great for digestion and good bacteria in our guts and is a rich source of vitamin B6 and potassium. Potassium from banana improves heart and kidney health and regulates blood pressure and is also believed to reduce muscle cramps due to exercising. High antioxidant levels, particularly dopamine, make banana a great choice for heart disease and degenerative illnesses.


Potato contains mostly carbs (starch) with almost no fat and is cholesterol and gluten-free. However, due to high glycemic index (fast rise of blood sugar), it should be carefully consumed with people with diabetes. It is good for lowering blood pressure and for heart health thanks to antioxidant anthocyanin. A lot of nutrients are packed in its skin, therefore it is good to eat it without peeling too. Potato is rich in vitamin B and potassium, which make it a good choice for diarrhea treatment since a lot of potassium is lost during this process. Another nutrient present in potatoes is choline, which improves movement, mood, brain development and inflammation. Also containing tryptophan, it promotes good sleep and has calming and sedating effect. Potato is considered one of the most filling foods.

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