
Mango is rich in fiber and polyphenols antioxidants, especially mangiferin. High contents of vitamin C and A boost immunity and folate ensures healthy prenatal development. Vitamin C content also improves collagen production, making it beneficial for hair and skin health. Mango can help lower cholesterol and thanks to magnesium, potassium and mangiferin keeps heart health in check. Apart from fiber, mango contains enzymes that help break down complex food molecules and help their absorption, making it great for digestive health and relieving constipation. It supports eye health thanks to antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A.


Hazelnut is full of antioxidants, especially present in its skin. These, together with healthy fats, more specifically omega-3, support heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Thanks to extremely high vitamin E and manganese content, hazelnut can have anti-cancer properties and like other nuts reduces blood sugar levels. Thanks to vitamin E, it is beneficial for skin and hair health and it is also a good source of fiber, magnesium and folate. Combination of compounds in hazelnut helps decrease the risk of diabetes as well as maintain brain and cognitive functions and prevent neurodegenerative diseases.


Considered the oldest cultivated fruit, fig contains lots of fiber, making it a good remedy for constipation and improving digestion. Prebiotics found in fig also help with digestion and gut health. Fig leaf tea or extract may be beneficial for reducing blood sugar levels and diabetes treatment. Thanks to high fiber and potassium content, fig can lower high blood pressure. It is rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols. Some other potential benefits include improving hair and bone health, due to calcium and magnesium content.


Kale is one of the most nutrient rich foods known. It is packed with vitamin K, antioxidants and fiber, which make it great for diabetes prevention and treatment. Like other green vegetables, it contains chlorophyll, which might reduce the risk of cancer. Similar anti-cancer effects in kale come from high amounts of vitamin C, selenium and other antioxidants. Loaded with vitamin K that helps blood clotting and rich in calcium and phosphorus, kale is a good choice to keep bones healthy. Combination of vitamin C and A in kale support skin and hair growth and antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin make it beneficial for eye health. Kale is high in nitrates, which help boosting physical performance in athletes and iron, helping supply muscles with oxygen.


Avocado is not a typical fruit considering the amount of fats it contains, making the antioxidants very accessible and easily absorbed in our body. It has a lot of nutrients important for healthy hair and skin and it keeps heart in check and lowers cholesterol. Avocado is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, maintaining eye health. Due to high levels of vitamin B6 and K, it is good for strong and healthy bones and osteoporosis prevention. Rich in potassium, it regulates blood pressure and lowers risk of heart attack and stroke. It is believed that avocado can play a significant role in cancer prevention due to presence of folate. Since it contains lots of fiber, it is great for digestion and low carb and high fat content make it a great choice for people with diabetes.


Pistachio is one of the richest sources of vitamin B6 and is very high in potassium. It contains antioxidants, especially lutein and zeaxanthin, promoting eye health. These antioxidants from pistachio are very easily absorbed in our body. Also packed with protein and aminoacids, it is great for gut health, blood vessels and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is a great source of vitamin E, improving skin and hair health. Pistachio can also help with blood sugar control and lowering cholesterol and keeps heart healthy. It may aid weight loss when consumed in moderation since not all the fat from it is absorbed in our body.


Cashew is native to Brazil and filled with antioxidants. It is a good choice for weight loss, especially when eaten raw, since not all fat from is absorbed when consumed in this form. Rich in protein and fiber like other nuts, it is good for heart health and lowering cholesterol. Cashew is loaded with copper, good for formation of red blood cells and anemia prevention. It also contains lots of magnesium, zinc and iron. Cashew also promotes eye health and due to high levels of selenium and copper, cashew oil is great for skin and hair.

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