
Radish detoxifies body and blood, especially organs like liver and stomach. It improves quality of the blood and supports collagen production to strengthen blood vessel walls, lowering the risk of atherosclerosis. Acting as natural diuretic, it boosts urine production. Anthocyanins make it beneficial for heart health and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Radish contains decent amounts of potassium and helps reduce blood pressure. It is an excellent choice for people with diabetes, with low glycemic index and containing compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels and support production of hormones protecting against insulin resistance. Antifungal effect helps fight against some yeast infections caused by for example Candida. Finally, radish is great for the skin thanks to vitamin C and high water content, which also makes it good for hydration.


Blackberry is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. Main benefits to overall health include keeping heart in check and preventing heart disease, boosting immunity and fighting inflammation. It is a very good source of fiber and helps with digestion. Due to vitamin K and manganese content, it is good for bone health and development and osteoporosis prevention. Blackberry extract can help maintain good oral health and fights bacteria in our mouth and gums. This berry is great for diabetes and obesity management, benefiting insulin resistance and triglyceride levels. It also has very low glycemic index and glycemic load, lower than most other commonly consumed berries.


Strawberry belongs to the rose family and is one of the most popular berries. It is very low in calories and contains much less sugar than other more consumed fruits. Loaded with vitamin C (even more than orange), manganese and potassium and it is especially rich in antioxidants anthocyanins. They give it not only its rich red color but make it a great choice for heart health too. It is great for diabetes prevention and treatment due to low sugar levels and low glycemic index. Other health benefits include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and cancer prevention.

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