
Avocado is not a typical fruit considering the amount of fats it contains, making the antioxidants very accessible and easily absorbed in our body. It has a lot of nutrients important for healthy hair and skin and it keeps heart in check and lowers cholesterol. Avocado is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, maintaining eye health. Due to high levels of vitamin B6 and K, it is good for strong and healthy bones and osteoporosis prevention. Rich in potassium, it regulates blood pressure and lowers risk of heart attack and stroke. It is believed that avocado can play a significant role in cancer prevention due to presence of folate. Since it contains lots of fiber, it is great for digestion and low carb and high fat content make it a great choice for people with diabetes.


Orange is high in sugars, but also fibers and polyphenols which don’t cause sugar level spikes. It is rich in vitamin C, folate and contains antioxidants, mostly flavonoids and carotenoids. Thanks to citric acid, it can prevent kidney stones. Drinking fresh orange juice with food rich in iron can help iron absorption and help with anemia treatment. It is also a decent source of potassium, supporting heart health. For maximizing the benefit and more filling effect, it should be consumed as whole fruit, as opposed to just juice without fiber.


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable high in fiber and low in calories. It is one of the most filling vegetables and promotes fullness and weight management. It is rich in antioxidants, especially in glucosinolates and sulforaphane helping slow down growth of cancer cells. Cauliflower is good for heart and blood vessel health and contains high amounts of vitamin C. It is also rich in choline, a nutrient promoting brain development and nervous system health and protecting liver from excessive cholesterol accumulation. It contains decent amount of folate that promotes blood cell formation and enables healthy cell growth and function.

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