
Cabbage is low in starch and high in fiber, which, together with low glycemic index make it an excellent choice for diabetes treatment. It also contains anthocyanins, especially found in red cabbage, that help reduce blood sugar levels and keep heart healthy. Although it can cause excessive gas, it is very high in vitamins K and C and antioxidants like polyphenols. It is good for digestion and lowering cholesterol levels. Cabbage is one of the best medicines for inflammation and promotes gut health, especially in fermented form or as famous ‘kimchi’.


Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable high in fiber and low in calories. It is one of the most filling vegetables and promotes fullness and weight management. It is rich in antioxidants, especially in glucosinolates and sulforaphane helping slow down growth of cancer cells. Cauliflower is good for heart and blood vessel health and contains high amounts of vitamin C. It is also rich in choline, a nutrient promoting brain development and nervous system health and protecting liver from excessive cholesterol accumulation. It contains decent amount of folate that promotes blood cell formation and enables healthy cell growth and function.


Potato contains mostly carbs (starch) with almost no fat and is cholesterol and gluten-free. However, due to high glycemic index (fast rise of blood sugar), it should be carefully consumed with people with diabetes. It is good for lowering blood pressure and for heart health thanks to antioxidant anthocyanin. A lot of nutrients are packed in its skin, therefore it is good to eat it without peeling too. Potato is rich in vitamin B and potassium, which make it a good choice for diarrhea treatment since a lot of potassium is lost during this process. Another nutrient present in potatoes is choline, which improves movement, mood, brain development and inflammation. Also containing tryptophan, it promotes good sleep and has calming and sedating effect. Potato is considered one of the most filling foods.

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