
Onion is a good source of fibers called fructans which act as prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in the guts. Therefore it is beneficial for gut flora and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Onion is rich in sulfur compounds and flavonoid antioxidants, especially quercetin. Quercetin reduces symptoms of bladder infections, is good for prostate health and lowers blood pressure and risk of cancer. The main benefits of onion include blood sugar regulation and fighting diabetes, increasing bone density for osteoporosis prevention and anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.


Date is a tropical fruit packed with nutrients and natural sugars. It is high in fiber, helping digestion and regular bowel movements to prevent constipation and colorectal cancer. Date is beneficial for brain health and memory, preventing some diseases like Alzheimer’s. Compounds in date are believed to help facilitate natural labour by reducing its duration and aid contractions. Antioxidants from date, primarily phenolic and flavonoid compounds have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect on the body and some nutrients such as manganese, magnesium, selenium and copper keep bones strong and healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Date is a great source of potassium, controlling the heart rate and blood pressure and promoting heart health, as well as iron, good for anemia treatment. Also rich in plant-derived estrogen, date might help relieve symptoms of menopause in women.


Blackberry is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. Main benefits to overall health include keeping heart in check and preventing heart disease, boosting immunity and fighting inflammation. It is a very good source of fiber and helps with digestion. Due to vitamin K and manganese content, it is good for bone health and development and osteoporosis prevention. Blackberry extract can help maintain good oral health and fights bacteria in our mouth and gums. This berry is great for diabetes and obesity management, benefiting insulin resistance and triglyceride levels. It also has very low glycemic index and glycemic load, lower than most other commonly consumed berries.


Avocado is not a typical fruit considering the amount of fats it contains, making the antioxidants very accessible and easily absorbed in our body. It has a lot of nutrients important for healthy hair and skin and it keeps heart in check and lowers cholesterol. Avocado is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, maintaining eye health. Due to high levels of vitamin B6 and K, it is good for strong and healthy bones and osteoporosis prevention. Rich in potassium, it regulates blood pressure and lowers risk of heart attack and stroke. It is believed that avocado can play a significant role in cancer prevention due to presence of folate. Since it contains lots of fiber, it is great for digestion and low carb and high fat content make it a great choice for people with diabetes.

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