
Grapefruit is one of the fruits highest in water content. It is great for hydration, weight loss and obesity prevention. Antioxidant levels in grapefruit are very high, especially beta carotene and lycopene, resulting in its red color. These give grapefruit its anti-cancer properties and prevent heart disease. Grapefruit can lower cholesterol and has high vitamin A and C content, good for boosting immunity. Low glycemic index makes it diabetes friendly food. Grapefruit should be avoided when taking certain medications, since it contains compounds that affect their metabolism, resulting in higher levels of these drugs in the body.


Coconut has a high percentage of insoluble fiber as well as medium-chain, quickly metabolized saturated fats. The main component of these fatty acids in coconut is lauric acid. Coconut oil can improve heart health and reduce cholesterol levels. It also helps with yeast infections, caused by for example Candida or Staphylococcus and has antiviral and antifungal effect. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it can boost oral health and help with teeth issues. Bones and skin can also benefit from coconut and since it promotes fullness and fat burning, it helps efficient weight loss when consumed in moderation. It is beneficial for gut bacteria and aids blood sugar control. Coconut is a good snack for gaining energy quickly and improving physical performance. It promotes thyroid function and coconut water can be used to treat bladder infections.


Celery packs a lot of nutrients in a very few calories, which makes it an excellent snack for weight loss. Rich in vitamin K and mainly antioxidants, it protects cells from damage and reduces inflammation, especially a compound called apigenin, which can ease arthritis symptoms. It can help neutralize effects from consuming acidic foods. Another compound found in celery called phthalide can help lower blood pressure and relax blood vessel walls. It is believed that celery can have anti-cancer properties due to presence of apigenin and luteolin.


Cucumber has very high water content, decent amount of fiber and is low in calories, making it good for hydration, regular stool and weight loss. It can reduce inflammation due to high antioxidant levels and especially a polyphenol group lignans, which may help treat some cancers. Containing fair amounts of potassium, it lowers blood pressure. Nutrients found in its seeds can reduce cholesterol, helping protect heart health and so-called cucurbitacins found in cucumber are considered to prevent atherosclerosis. Cucumber can offer benefits for skin health and protect it from ageing and wrinkles and reduce swelling, sunburns and pain.


Carrot is a known booster of eye health. That is mainly for beta carotene it contains, converted to vitamin A in our body. Just 100g of raw carrot provides almost 3,5 daily doses of vitamin A. Eating some fat with carrot improves the absorption of beta carotene. Another antioxidant present in carrot is lutein, also good for eye health. Carrot is rich in vitamin K, as well as fiber, mainly pectin. Glycemic index of raw carrot is low, making it suitable for diabetes when consumed in this form. It is good for digestion and gut health and can aid weight loss. Thanks to high fiber content, it is believed that carrot can decrease cholesterol levels.


Cashew is native to Brazil and filled with antioxidants. It is a good choice for weight loss, especially when eaten raw, since not all fat from is absorbed when consumed in this form. Rich in protein and fiber like other nuts, it is good for heart health and lowering cholesterol. Cashew is loaded with copper, good for formation of red blood cells and anemia prevention. It also contains lots of magnesium, zinc and iron. Cashew also promotes eye health and due to high levels of selenium and copper, cashew oil is great for skin and hair.


Lemon is a good source of flavonoids and vitamin C and easy to incorporate in the diet. Compounds found in lemon can reduce cholesterol and it is considered a great addition for weight loss. Rich in citric acid, lemon can prevent kidney stones. Its main fiber is pectin, improving digestive health. In order to use this benefit, it is necessary to eat the lemon pulp, not just the juice. Since lemon contains decent amount of iron and vitamin C that helps its absorption, it can be consumed as part of anemia treatment. Drinking lemon water can lower blood pressure.


Strawberry belongs to the rose family and is one of the most popular berries. It is very low in calories and contains much less sugar than other more consumed fruits. Loaded with vitamin C (even more than orange), manganese and potassium and it is especially rich in antioxidants anthocyanins. They give it not only its rich red color but make it a great choice for heart health too. It is great for diabetes prevention and treatment due to low sugar levels and low glycemic index. Other health benefits include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and cancer prevention.


Zucchini is non starchy and very low in calories. It is rich in antioxidants and great for digestion due to high water and fiber content, preventing constipation and improving overall gut health. A lot of healthy compounds in zucchini are found in its skin, especially for anti-inflammatory effect. It lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels and is a great choice for people with diabetes. Zucchini brings many benefits to eye health due to relatively high levels of vitamin A and promotes weight loss and feeling of fullness. Thanks to high levels of potassium, it helps lower blood pressure and keeps blood vessels healthy.

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