
Lime is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, especially flavonoids and can be easily added to the diet, either in form of salad dressings or by squeezing a few drops in drinking water. Thanks to its antioxidant and vitamin C levels, lime is good for skin health and promotes collagen production. Due to high acidity, it can improve digestion and help with constipation treatment. Another benefit of citric acid is helping metabolism and weight management and like other citrus fruits, lime can reduce risk of kidney stones. Drinking warm water with lime juice can help relieve reflux symptoms.


Kiwi is an unexpectedly good source of vitamin C, packing more per 100g than oranges and lemons. It is rich in antioxidants believed to help lungs function properly making it possible source for asthma treatment. Kiwi is full of fiber and improves digestion. Another compound that helps with digestion is enzyme actinidin, enhancing breaking down of the proteins. Kiwi is great as immunity booster, can lower blood pressure and improve eye and skin health. Some antioxidants and serotonin found in it can help with insomnia and sleep disorders.


Cantaloupe is type of melon with rich orange flesh, loaded with vitamin A and C. It is low in calories and one of the best sources of beta-carotene that gets transformed in vitamin A in our body. Thanks to vitamin A, cantaloupe is great for eye health. Additionally, it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two other antioxidants also beneficial for eyes. It is also a good source of folate and contains another nutrient in traces that is very rare in plant-based foods – selenium. Cantaloupe is rich in potassium and thanks to high water and electrolyte content, it is a great choice for hydration.


Apricot is a great plant based source of vitamin A. That makes it beneficial for eye health and prevention of night blindness. It is also rich in potassium and contains good amount of fiber, helping the digestion. Beta carotene and flavonoids are also present in apricots, reducing inflammation and risk of diabetes and heart disease. Thanks to vitamin C and beta carotene, it can also protect skin again sunburns. It is a good snacking choice after exercising due to high water and potassium intake. Apricot also supports bone health, since it contains not only calcium but also potassium, which is needed for proper absorption of calcium. Due to presence of both iron and vitamin C necessary for iron absorption, apricot can help with anemia treatment.


Chestnut differs from other nuts, especially because it is very low in fats, significantly lower in calories and has much higher content of vitamin C when compared to its relatives. It is very filling and promotes fullness. Chestnut is a great choice for restoring energy levels due to high carbohydrate content. Like other nuts, it is rich in antioxidants, especially ellagic acid and is good for heart and cardiovascular health. It is rich in copper and manganese and reduces cholesterol levels and improves digestion. Thanks to high copper content, it is also keeps bones strong and healthy.


Lemon is a good source of flavonoids and vitamin C and easy to incorporate in the diet. Compounds found in lemon can reduce cholesterol and it is considered a great addition for weight loss. Rich in citric acid, lemon can prevent kidney stones. Its main fiber is pectin, improving digestive health. In order to use this benefit, it is necessary to eat the lemon pulp, not just the juice. Since lemon contains decent amount of iron and vitamin C that helps its absorption, it can be consumed as part of anemia treatment. Drinking lemon water can lower blood pressure.


Strawberry belongs to the rose family and is one of the most popular berries. It is very low in calories and contains much less sugar than other more consumed fruits. Loaded with vitamin C (even more than orange), manganese and potassium and it is especially rich in antioxidants anthocyanins. They give it not only its rich red color but make it a great choice for heart health too. It is great for diabetes prevention and treatment due to low sugar levels and low glycemic index. Other health benefits include lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and cancer prevention.


Pineapple is the only food containing enzyme bromelain that helps with digestion and breaking down the proteins. That makes it a great choice for people with pancreas condition that causes lack of capability to produce these enzymes in our bodies. Thanks to bromelain, after surgeries, pineapple can be consumed as part of the diet to speed up the recovery process and to repair damaged muscle tissues and wound healing, as well as burns. Bromelain is also believed to reduce pain in people suffering from arthritis (inflammation of the joints). Pineapple is rich in antioxidants (especially flavonoids), vitamin C and manganese. It boosts overall immunity and reduces inflammation.


Originating in Africa, watermelon is high in water content, vitamin A and C and very low in calories. Although a poor fiber source, it is not only good as a refreshing snack in summer, but is one of the richest foods in lycopene (even more than tomatoes, giving it its pink color) and citrulline. While lycopene can improve heart health, lower cholesterol and protect from cancer, citrulline is an amino acid responsible for lowering blood pressure and can be used to treat muscle soreness.


Blueberries are very low in calories and are incredibly nutrient-dense. They are considered to be the richest food in antioxidants among all fruits and vegetables. They contain mainly flavonoids, more specifically anthocyanins giving them their deep blue color. Antioxidant properties of blueberries help reduce DNA damage and therefore slow down aging and have anti-cancer effect on our body. They are also believed to be mood boosters. Blueberries help reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and protect our heart. They have low glycemic index and are an excellent choice for people with diabetes and can be consumed as a prevention against this health issue. Lastly, they improve cognitive performance and brain health.

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