
Mango is rich in fiber and polyphenols antioxidants, especially mangiferin. High contents of vitamin C and A boost immunity and folate ensures healthy prenatal development. Vitamin C content also improves collagen production, making it beneficial for hair and skin health. Mango can help lower cholesterol and thanks to magnesium, potassium and mangiferin keeps heart health in check. Apart from fiber, mango contains enzymes that help break down complex food molecules and help their absorption, making it great for digestive health and relieving constipation. It supports eye health thanks to antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin A.

Kidney bean

Kidney bean is an excellent plant based source of protein and fiber. It is also high in starch, but since this type is a slow-release carb and bean has low glycemic index, it is beneficial for diabetics, not causing fast and high rises in blood sugar. Kidney bean is rich in phosphorus and manganese, reduces cholesterol and improves heart health, lowers risk of heart disease, boosts digestion and prevents colon cancer. Although rich in iron, it might not be very accessible due to phytate content in beans that reduces iron absorption. Bean is very rich in folate, benefiting red blood cells formation and development during pregnancy. It is favorite among athletes due to its combination of energy boosting carbohydrates, muscle building protein and low fat content. Finally, it promotes fullness and is a great choice for weight management.


Date is a tropical fruit packed with nutrients and natural sugars. It is high in fiber, helping digestion and regular bowel movements to prevent constipation and colorectal cancer. Date is beneficial for brain health and memory, preventing some diseases like Alzheimer’s. Compounds in date are believed to help facilitate natural labour by reducing its duration and aid contractions. Antioxidants from date, primarily phenolic and flavonoid compounds have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect on the body and some nutrients such as manganese, magnesium, selenium and copper keep bones strong and healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Date is a great source of potassium, controlling the heart rate and blood pressure and promoting heart health, as well as iron, good for anemia treatment. Also rich in plant-derived estrogen, date might help relieve symptoms of menopause in women.


Considered the oldest cultivated fruit, fig contains lots of fiber, making it a good remedy for constipation and improving digestion. Prebiotics found in fig also help with digestion and gut health. Fig leaf tea or extract may be beneficial for reducing blood sugar levels and diabetes treatment. Thanks to high fiber and potassium content, fig can lower high blood pressure. It is rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols. Some other potential benefits include improving hair and bone health, due to calcium and magnesium content.


Peach is rich in carotenoids and other antioxidants that have anti-cancer properties and that are concentrated mainly in its skin. Rich in fiber and prebiotics, it can help improve digestion. It can also relieve allergy symptoms by preventing the release of histamines and reducing body’s reaction to allergens, like sneezing, itching or coughing. Antioxidants and vitamin A in peach can also benefit eye health.


Often overshadowed by apple, pear is rich in antioxidants polyphenols and has very high fiber content, making it good for digestion and gut health. Pear can contain different antioxidants based on its color. Anthocyanins give it its red hue, while lutein and zeaxanthin appear in green pears. Another antioxidant present in the peel is quercetin, improving heart health, lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and risk of stroke. Pear is best eaten with the skin that holds most of its antioxidants and fiber. It is good for fighting inflammation and fiber in pear slows down digestion, helping regulate blood sugar levels and absorption of carbs.


Plum is very rich in polyphenol antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, having anti-inflammatory effects and improving heart health. Sorbitol, a compound present in plums and prunes, can aid digestion and relieve constipation acting as a natural laxative. Plum extract may also help kill breast cancer cells. Although high in sugars, plum is rich in fiber and can help regulate blood sugar. Antioxidants found in this fruit can also benefit brain health and prevent some diseases, like Alzheimer’s.


Blackberry is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. Main benefits to overall health include keeping heart in check and preventing heart disease, boosting immunity and fighting inflammation. It is a very good source of fiber and helps with digestion. Due to vitamin K and manganese content, it is good for bone health and development and osteoporosis prevention. Blackberry extract can help maintain good oral health and fights bacteria in our mouth and gums. This berry is great for diabetes and obesity management, benefiting insulin resistance and triglyceride levels. It also has very low glycemic index and glycemic load, lower than most other commonly consumed berries.


Lime is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, especially flavonoids and can be easily added to the diet, either in form of salad dressings or by squeezing a few drops in drinking water. Thanks to its antioxidant and vitamin C levels, lime is good for skin health and promotes collagen production. Due to high acidity, it can improve digestion and help with constipation treatment. Another benefit of citric acid is helping metabolism and weight management and like other citrus fruits, lime can reduce risk of kidney stones. Drinking warm water with lime juice can help relieve reflux symptoms.


Pecan has distinctive buttery texture and slightly sweet, but bitter taste, making it used mostly in desserts and salads. Together with macadamia nut, it is highest in fat content among all nuts and is particularly rich in copper and manganese. Monounsaturated fats together with phenolic antioxidants promote heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Like other nuts, pecan is packed with fiber and if consumed in moderation, promotes fullness and benefits weight management. Fiber content keeps digestive system healthy and prevents constipation. Pecan is rich in antioxidant ellagic acid that can protect from certain cancer forms. Magnesium levels provide anti-inflammatory benefits and lower blood pressure. Pecan can also slow down skin ageing, thanks to ellagic acid, vitamin A and E. Combination of different nutrients, mainly zinc, makes pecan great immunity booster. Among other nutrients, it also contains iron and significant amounts of flavonoids. Low sugar levels make it an excellent choice for diabetes prevention and management and slowing down blood sugar spikes.

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