
Carrot is a known booster of eye health. That is mainly for beta carotene it contains, converted to vitamin A in our body. Just 100g of raw carrot provides almost 3,5 daily doses of vitamin A. Eating some fat with carrot improves the absorption of beta carotene. Another antioxidant present in carrot is lutein, also good for eye health. Carrot is rich in vitamin K, as well as fiber, mainly pectin. Glycemic index of raw carrot is low, making it suitable for diabetes when consumed in this form. It is good for digestion and gut health and can aid weight loss. Thanks to high fiber content, it is believed that carrot can decrease cholesterol levels.


Lemon is a good source of flavonoids and vitamin C and easy to incorporate in the diet. Compounds found in lemon can reduce cholesterol and it is considered a great addition for weight loss. Rich in citric acid, lemon can prevent kidney stones. Its main fiber is pectin, improving digestive health. In order to use this benefit, it is necessary to eat the lemon pulp, not just the juice. Since lemon contains decent amount of iron and vitamin C that helps its absorption, it can be consumed as part of anemia treatment. Drinking lemon water can lower blood pressure.


Banana is athlete’s favorite healthy snack, due to good fiber and mineral content and natural sugars excellent for restoring energy levels. Starch from unripe bananas gradually turns into sugar as they get more yellow and mature. Banana is rich in pectin giving it its soft, spongy texture. Pectin can help regulate blood sugar levels after a meal and together with resistant starch reduces appetite. However, both pectin and resistant starch concentration drops as the banana ripens. Banana is great for digestion and good bacteria in our guts and is a rich source of vitamin B6 and potassium. Potassium from banana improves heart and kidney health and regulates blood pressure and is also believed to reduce muscle cramps due to exercising. High antioxidant levels, particularly dopamine, make banana a great choice for heart disease and degenerative illnesses.


Apple has high content of polyphenols – powerful antioxidants present mostly in the peel, helping regulate blood sugar and fat levels. Apples are very filling and help reduce appetite when consumed before a meal. That makes them an important food in weight management and obesity prevention. They are beneficial to heart health and lower risk of stroke and heart disease due to high soluble fiber content. Apples contain fiber pectin, feeding good bacteria in our guts and lowering cholesterol. They are considered to lower risk of type 2 diabetes and widely believed to reduce risk of cancer.

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